
Showing posts from 2020

5 Easy Steps to Shift from Magnetic Tapes to Cloud Storage

The world moves one step forward every day and no one here wishes to stay seated at one place. Do you know it’s possible to carry every bit of your loved memory in your pocket all the time, that too without carrying any special kind of memory device. Can you name the tech behind this miracle? Its cloud storage. You can virtually carry everything you and your family recorded in the last 5 decades, that too with just almost no empty space on your phone. Here, you buy some space online and store everything there for all time easy reach. But first, you need to get your 8mm films, 16mm films or VHS tapes converted to a digital format. Things are quite simple as you can choose a professional 8mm film to DVD and digital converter (also available for other older formats), create a collection of your valuable files and upload them accordingly. Unlike physical damages to VHS tapes or even video discs, cloud computing makes it easier for someone to get a detailed view of his/her past. Her